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A ABE é uma sociedade sem fins lucrativos, que se estabeleceu como organização interessada em divulgar conhecimentos relativos às epilepsias e disposta a promover a melhora da qualidade de vida das pessoas com epilepsia. A ABE faz parte do International Bureau for Epilepsy e é composta por pacientes, seus familiares, médicos, neurocientistas e outros profissionais da área de saúde.

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A Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia é uma associação que congrega médicos e outros profissionais dedicados à saúde das pessoas com epilepsia. A LBE tem a missão de promover recursos para o ensino e pesquisa destinados à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento da epilepsia.

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Site elaborado por Eduardo Caminada Júnior com valiosas informações sobre sua experiência com a Epilepsia, projetos, locais de atendimento, etc.

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The IBE was established in 1961 and has grown to almost 140 chapters in over 100 countries all around the globe. The Bureau is the recognised international umbrella body representing national epilepsy organisations that have a specific interest in improving the social condition and quality of life of people with epilepsy and their carers.

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For more than five decades, the Epilepsy Foundation has shone a light on epilepsy. The Foundation and its nationwide network of nearly 50 partners connects people to treatment, support and resources; leads advocacy efforts; funds innovative research and the training of specialists; and educates the public about epilepsy and seizure first aid.

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The American Epilepsy Society is one of the oldest neurological professional organizations in USA. The Society seeks to promote interdisciplinary communications, scientific investigation, and exchange of clinical information about epilepsy.
Membership consists of clinicians, scientists investigating basic and clinical aspects of epilepsy, and other professionals interested in seizure disorders. Members represent both pediatric and adult aspects of epilepsy.

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The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) was founded in 1909 and is an organisation of more than 120 national chapters.

The goals of the ILAE are:

  • To advance and disseminate knowledge about epilepsy

  • To promote research, education and training

  • To improve services and care for patients, especially by prevention, diagnosis and treatment

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A Liga Portuguesa Contra a Epilepsia é uma associação particular sem fins lucrativos, de cariz técnico-científico, que congrega técnicos de várias áreas, motivados em melhorar os cuidados de sáude prestados às pessoas com epilepsia em Portugal.

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